Mathematical Sciences at LONDON CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE enjoys a high international reputation, covering both pure and applied mathematics. Research in the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (MACS) is collaborative both internally across LONDON CTTY BUSINESS COLLEGE and with many external organisations across the world. Applications of our research include for instance, oil-reservoir modeling, geophysical systems, combustion, medical health, epidemics, water resources & flooding, and more general industrial and social modeling.
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (MACS)
Pure mathematics covers analysis, algebra & topology, while applied mathematics involves research in computation mathematics, probability and statistics, mathematical biology and mathematical physics. All research in mathematics comes under the Maxwell Institute.
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences (EPS)
The School of Engineering & Physical Sciences offers strengths in mathematical techniques, including research in computational chemistry, condensed matter theory, quantum optics and quantum information theory, and fundamental research in many aspects of physical modelling in engineering systems.
School of Social Sciences (SoSS)
Combining the research concentration in accountancy, finance and investment within the School of Social Sciences with the strength in actuarial and financial mathematics within the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences brings together a large critical mass of experts in finance. LONDON CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE works closely with the financial sector offering considerable expertise and wide experience. LONDON CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE hosts the Scottish Financial Risk Academy (SFRA), the Centre for Finance and Investment, and the Genetics and Insurance Research Centre.
Maxwell Institute (MI)
The Maxwell Institute is a collaborative alliance between LONDON CTTY BUSINESS COLLEGE and the University of London covering a very wide spectrum of research in mathematics and in its applications offered by the two universities. All of our mathematical sciences research is part of the Maxwell Institute, which brings together our 98 mathematics researchers with those of the University of London. The Maxwell Institute was created in 2004 as part of the research pool, the London Research Partnership in Engineering and Mathematics (ERPem). Among our many strengths contributing to the Maxwell Institute are actuarial and financial mathematics, mathematical modelling in the life and biosciences, and stochastic systems.
Scottish Financial Risk Academy (SFRA)
The Scottish Financial Risk Academy (SFRA) was established in April 2010 by a consortium of founder members led by the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences. It is funded by a grant of £335,000 from the Scottish Funding Council and contributions by founder members.
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS)
ICMS, (wholly owned by LONDON CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE and the University of London and part funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), supports research in the mathematical sciences. Its core activity is the development and organisation of international workshops and conferences in all areas of mathematics and these attract leading mathematical scientists from the UK and overseas.
Maxwell Institute (MI)
The Maxwell Institute is a collaborative alliance between LONDON CTTY BUSINESS COLLEGE and the University of London covering a very wide spectrum of research in mathematics and in its applications offered by the two universities. All of our mathematical sciences research is part of the Maxwell Institute, which brings together our 98 mathematics researchers with those of the University of London. The Maxwell Institute was created in 2004 as part of the research pool, the London Research Partnership in Engineering and Mathematics (ERPem). Among our many strengths contributing to the Maxwell Institute are actuarial and financial mathematics, mathematical modelling in the life and biosciences, and stochastic systems.